Mission Light by acetheyul

You have everything; you finished your education with good grades, you managed to achieve your dreams and work successfully in your dream career. 
You have friends, and you and your coworkers get along really well. You have a fulfilling job with new and exciting challanges every day. 
Others dream to achieve what you have. 
But then why does it feel like it's not enough? 
Why does it feel like there has to be more out there for you somewhere? 
Why do you feel so unsatisfied now that you finally can grasp your goal, your dream? 
How do you deal with that? You can't just quit your job, can you? 
When you figure out that your coworkers are agents and involved in some sort of conflict with the group that you are currently forced to work for, you decide to join them. 
Maybe a little superpowered action is what you need. 
But be careful; from being an employee to being an agent with superpowers confronted with life and death is a big jump. Are you sure you can handle that? Cope with everything that happens? 
Especially when the life of a teenage boy, who apparently is the key to defeating a big bad future evil, is placed in your group's hands. 
Maybe your normal career and life doesn't sound so bad after all.
Mission Light is an interactive story about a normal employee, who wants more out of life and awakens superpowers and then joins and group of secret agents, who travel the world and try to protect the child of light, who is their key to win against a threat waiting for them in the future.


  • Customise your own character
  • Play as trans, male, female, non binary, gay, aroace and aromantic and asexual separated
  • Romance your fellow agents (18+ NSFW included but not mandatory)
  • Become closer to Adam as a sibling or parental figure and help him with his identity
  • Travel to different countries with your group of agents
  • Choose to be either a lawyer, a police officer or a doctor
  • Experience different characters all with their own problems and stories
  • This story is primarily focused on your relationship with the characters and their relationships among each other
  • Figure out what you want out of life and where you belong
  • There is no good or bad, no one is truly evil, everyone has their own reasons, if their actions are justified is for you to decide 
  • Marry your love interest and adopt Adam (only on specific routes)
  • Trigger warnings before every chapter

The Characters - The Love Interests 

The Leader
Sinan Demir he/him heterosexual - ex german BND agent - fire - big brother type

The Strongest
Nayla Leong she/her lesbian - flower shop owner - earth - sweet but could kill you

The Silent 
Aneka Evans she/her bisexual aromantic - a doctor - water - comfortable in your silence 

The Cunning 
Hongyu Huang he/him bisexual - a lawyer - lightning - uses sarcasm to deflect

The Kind 
Miguel Martínez he/him gay - a surgeon - wind - lovable and sometimes an idiot 

The Grumpy 
Minhyuk/Miyeon/Min Lim (he/him, she/her, they/them) pansexual - police officer and professional boxer - cyber - never stops thinking always moving

The Unassuming 
Marcos/Maria Soto (he/him, she/her) bisexual - a lawyer - force field/barrier - way too loyal 

The Characters - Others

The Child of Light 
Adam Omondi he/him - the teenager you have to protect - light - struggling to navigate in this world

The Crafter
Dominic Evans he/him bisexual - mechatronics engineer - machine tinkering - always overshadowed 

Planned are: 

5 major routes (Sinan, Aneka, Nayla, Hongyu, Miguel)
2 minor routes (Minhyuk/Miyeon/Min, Marcos/Maria) 
1 fling (Dominic)
2 possible poly routes (Miguel and Hongyu (only for male and non binary players), Nayla and Aneka (she is more queer platonic) (only for female and non binary players)) 

3 prologue’s, 12 chapters and an epilogue


  • This is mainly a project to help me to stop rotting in bed in my free time and actually start/finish one of my dreams/goals.
  • I write this story mostly for me, so updates, extra content and art comes when I want to and feel like it.
  • I go to university and have a job so I don't know how frequent I can update
  • If something is offensive, please contact me on tumblr and then I will change it.
  • I will do research and ask others when writing characters and places that don’t align with my own experiences to deliver the best story for everyone.
  • This project is work in progress, routes, storylines, characters and choices can change at any time also earlier chapters. When I finished the story I will overhaul the whole story before finally publishing it.
  • This story and all the side content will be free for now even if it is finished, I live in Germany and I am not allowed to make money out of this if I don’t register a small company at a government office as far as I know.
  • I am German and while I am fluent in english, I am not that confident in my skills so please take that in consideration.  


Writing by acetheyul
Idea, World & Characters by acetheyul 
Coding by acetheyul
Cover Art by acetheyul
Background Art by acetheyul
Character Art & CGs by acetheyul
Music from ….

You can find me on Tumblr for updates, art, additional writing, lore and a small introduction

Updated 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
AuthorCassian (acetheyul)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Action
Tagsagents, Character Customization, First-Person, LGBT, Romance, Superpowers, Text based
Average sessionA few seconds

Development log


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There seems to be a problem where no matter what you pick when selecting a drink you get the energy drink response

I am aware of that. I am currently working on an update where I fix that and some other things and add some of the lawyer prologue. I hope I can publish it at some point in the next two weeks. :)

Still thank you for telling me and reading my story :)

I’m excited for this!!

I am so happy that you are ☺️

Sorry if this is a bit of an obvious question (I'm a bit slow :p), but what exactly do you mean by secondary route?

After the first prologue you can choose three routes, the lawyer, the police officer and the doctor. Depending on your choice you get different skills and meet some of the characters earlier etc. :) I am currently working on the lawyer route. All those routes happen in every playthrough, even if you don't choose to play them. The doctor happens after the lawyer route and the police officer route plays at the same time as both. :)

Hope that answers your question.

(1 edit)

Oh wow i love this so much!! It's really lovely. 

Might i just suggest tho putting it under the interactive fiction category. Or under the HTML5 platform like most IFs.

 I know there's alot of IF readers on here that might not see it because of the category. I usually click on the IF section to just scroll through new releases and i didn't see yours at all. i saw yours on a repost on tumblr. 

I never look through books because that just makes me think of like ebooks. Not interactive ones. Just a friendly suggestion tho. 😇

Thank you so much, I am so happy that you like it.

And thanks for your advice too, I changed it to the IF section :)

Great Start!! 💕

Thank you :)